test bank for Biology: Concepts and Investigations 4th Edition by Mariëlle Hoefnagels

name:test bank for Biology: Concepts and Investigations 4th Edition
Edition:4th Edition
author:by Mariëlle Hoefnagels
ISBN-10: 9780078024207
type:Test bank /题库
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Mariëlle Hoefnagels' passion as a classroom instructor is evident in Biology: Concepts and Investigations, an introductory biology textbook written to explain the general concepts of biology at a level of detail that allows students to understand concepts ratherthan memorize details. New digital resources, upgraded PowerPoint presentations, tutorial animations based on textbook art, upgraded Connect question banks, and adaptive technologies like SmartBook with Learning Resources capitalize on the power of technology to enhance student understanding.

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test bank for Biology: Concepts and Investigations 4th Edition

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test bank for Biology: Concepts and Investigations 4th Edition

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test bank for Biology: Concepts and Investigations 4th Edition

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