Test bank for Managerial Economics: Foundations of Business Analysis and Strategy 14th Edition by Christopher Thomas

name:Test bank for Managerial Economics: Foundations of Business Analysis and Strategy 14th Edition by Christopher Thomas
Edition: 14th Edition
author:by Christopher Thomas
ISBN:ISBN10: 1266257799 | ISBN13: 9781266257797
type:Test bank
All chapter include

Thomas’ Managerial Economics: Foundations of Business Analysis and Strategy emphasizes an economic way of thinking while focusing on business analytics in an easy-to-learn and easy-to-teach-from way. This self-contained textbook requires no previous training in economics.

Managerial Economics develops critical thinking skills and provides students with a logical way of analyzing both routine decisions of managing the daily operations of a business as well as longer-run strategic decisions designed to manipulate actions and reactions of rival firms.

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Test bank for Managerial Economics: Foundations of Business Analysis and Strategy 14th Edition by Christopher Thomas

Test bank for Managerial Economics: Foundations of Business Analysis and Strategy 14th Edition by Christopher Thomas

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