test bank for business Research Methods 12th Edition by Donald R. Cooper

name:test bank for business Research Methods 12th Edition by Donald R. Cooper
Edition:12th Edition
author:by Donald R. Cooper
type:Test bank
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Teaches research methods, statistics, and organizational behavior in the masters and doctoral programs of public administration and business. Cooper’s Ph.D. is from Kent State University. In addition to grants, articles, books, and monographs, he has received several teaching awards, most recently from the College of Architecture, Urban & Public Affairs. Dr. Cooper serves as the managing director of the Cooper Research Group, a consultancy specializing in customer satisfaction, loyalty, defection, and market segmentation research for the electronics and computer industries. Currently, he provides senior management of domestic and global firms with brand, segmentation, and service analysis. Prior to his academic career, Cooper was responsible for executive recruitment at a Fortune 500 and was an U.S. Air Force Captain during four years of active duty.

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test bank for business Research Methods 12th Edition by Donald R. Cooper

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test bank for business Research Methods 12th Edition by Donald R. Cooper

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test bank for business Research Methods 12th Edition by Donald R. Cooper

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